Windows 7 64Bit, Sysinternals Process Explorer – Run as a service? How?
I would like to run Sysinternals Process Explorer as a service on by 64bit windows 7 workstation. The old way (XP-Vista) was to use instsrv.exe and srvany.exe from Microsoft 2003 Resource Kit. Is there a “Best Practice” to do this in Windows 7? How do I do this in Windows 7 Thank you, Windows 7 64bit Pro/Corp/ent/ or whatever the naming flavor of the week is for not home and not ultimate. 4 GB memory 3 GHz D CPUThanks again.You can't fix stupid.
December 21st, 2009 9:52pm

I would like to run Sysinternals Process Explorer as a service on by 64bit windows 7 workstation. The old way (XP-Vista) was to use instsrv.exe and srvany.exe from Microsoft 2003 Resource Kit. Is there a “Best Practice” to do this in Windows 7? How do I do this in Windows 7 Thank you, Windows 7 64bit Pro/Corp/ent/ or whatever the naming flavor of the week is for not home and not ultimate. 4 GB memory 3 GHz D CPUThanks again. You can't fix stupid. hi , take a look at this page , click on the links , plenty of solutions there by the way , the size of your cache file can also speed things up (!)have a nice day and happy holidays + + + + + +
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December 21st, 2009 10:47pm

Hi W2K8DT, I'd suggest setting up a scheduled task that "Runs with highest privileges", "When I log on", that uses PsExec from Sysinternals to launch Process Explorer as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM (which will likely be identical to how you were previously accustomed to it). The command-line for the task would be something like: c:\path\to\psexec.exe -sid c:\path\to\procexp.exe This will have the effect of causing psexec to be launched elevated, which permits it to launch a process as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, all without being prompted for UAC elevation, when you log in. Out of curiosity, why do you wish to have Process Explorer constantly running in this fashion?
December 22nd, 2009 2:25pm

Hi W2K8DT, I'd suggest setting up a scheduled task that "Runs with highest privileges", "When I log on", that uses PsExec from Sysinternals to launch Process Explorer as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM (which will likely be identical to how you were previously accustomed to it). The command-line for the task would be something like: c:\path\to\psexec.exe -sid c:\path\to\procexp.exe This will have the effect of causing psexec to be launched elevated, which permits it to launch a process as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, all without being prompted for UAC elevation, when you log in. Out of curiosity, why do you wish to have Process Explorer constantly running in this fashion? Great minds think alike. That is what I ended up doing. Answer to the question why is, we have a separate security group that likes to deploy (radio edit) out to systems without checking with anyone about the effects it may or may not have on the system. Then we (server admin group) have to fix the (radio edit). I guess I should be thankful they send it out to the IT staff for dog food testing before feeding it to the customs. Oh, and when the manage walks by I like to pull up the graphical system information pane. It makes them happy. Don’t know what it is about manages and flashing lights and graphics. Thank you for the answer back. GYou can't fix stupid.
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December 23rd, 2009 12:33am

Good to hear that it seems you worked something out. I guess, my question was more about why you need to have PE running as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, rather than a "regular administrator". A traditional auto-start configuration (run key, startup group, etc.) would work for that situation. Are you encountering something you can't do with PE as an admin, that you can do as SYSTEM?
December 23rd, 2009 1:54pm

Good to hear that it seems you worked something out. I guess, my question was more about why you need to have PE running as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, rather than a "regular administrator". A traditional auto-start configuration (run key, startup group, etc.) would work for that situation. Are you encountering something you can't do with PE as an admin, that you can do as SYSTEM? Ah, gotcha now. It works as advertised as a "regular administrator"; at least it has to date. In 7 Bata and 7 RC I would just fire up PE and other apps and consoles manually when I logged in. But when I loaded 7 release, this became my main workstation and I wanted my “lazy” startup from XP and Vista. Basically, set it and forget it startup. Whenever possible I try to use MS “best practice” I was looking for a KB or PB for user created service in windows 7, but I’m guessing I’m over thinking it. I should have taken my own counsel and (Keep It Simple Stupid). thanks again for the answer back.G You can't fix stupid.
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December 28th, 2009 10:32pm

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